View Profile Paper-Shadow
Love defeats Evil. Hate defeats Trust. Together, they can destroy all of humanity... Even Cake...

Age 31, Male


Joined on 10/29/05

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Paper-Shadow's News

Posted by Paper-Shadow - April 5th, 2008


Ok, you should all know the PimpTank from Sprite TV 2. The thing that appears here is Version 2 of the PimpTank, known as 'PimpTank V2'...

Now, there still is a few bugs with the PimpTank, so I'm gonna list them...

Balancing Issues...
Flamible Paint...
The ability to start small fires...

Flamible Paint...
CD Player doesn't work...

So now you know...


Hmm? You don't know who the PimpTank works, just it's problems?


Shut up and enjoy the diagram...

EDIT: Opps, I was deleting a spam comment and accedently deleted the wrong comment...

But it said:

-The Pimp Tank?

And I replied:

-The PIMPTank...


So apollogies...

'The PimpTank, The Science Behind it!' (Oh, and Ness Collab)...

Posted by Paper-Shadow - March 23rd, 2008

Yeah, I've been making some audio, it's been a good experence, and takes much less time then a flash, but it still requires my attention...

But that doesn't mean I have stopped making flash, I'm trying to get into the 'Ness Beats Everything' collab...

So, if you have heard my new submissions and want to sing along, here are some lyrics...

'I Will Own You...'

I will own you, just give me a chance to recover from that 1-2 combo you did when I was trying to hack and so on...
I will own you, just give me a chance...
I will own you, just give me a chance...
I will own you, just give me a chance...
I will own you, just give me a chance...
I will own you, just give me a chance to recover from that 1-2 combo you did when I was trying to hack and so on...
I will own you...
I will own you...
I will own you...
I will own you...

" I'M IN UR BOX! "

I'm in your box, stealing your rocks...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks and if I could make it up to you, I would, but that is out of the question...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks and if I could make it up to you, I would, but that is out of the question...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks and if I could make it up to you, I would, but that is out of the question...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks and if I could make it up to you, I would, but that is out of the question...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks...
I'm in your box, stealing your rocks and if I could make it up to you, I would, but that is out of the question...

Audio is good for the soul...

Posted by Paper-Shadow - February 17th, 2008

Sprite TV 2 is finished...


I was mentioned in the credits three times...


I wish there was a Pimp Legion in Advance Wars or Battalion Wars...

The Pimped-Up MegaTank (Or Sprite TV 2)

Posted by Paper-Shadow - January 3rd, 2008



I've redone my userpage with flashy (and not so flashy) new stuff :)...

First, I've changed my aura, and my avitor in the corner. Now it is more up-to-date with modern chages, mainly the fact I'm a cloak in a shadow and have no refernce to Shadow the Hedgehog in any way, despite what any ad says...

I challaged myself to make my new pic (A larger one below), making a picture (Excluding the middle one) about, and in the time period of, the songs from 'The Hoosiers' album 'The Trick To Life'. Notice any ones that might match the song made by 'The Hoosiers'? Which one is 'Money to be made'? Or 'Worried about Ray'? How about 'Killer'? There is 11 Trials and Tribulations of Paper Shadow...

EDIT: 15/1/08, I've made a new avitor, much better...


Moving on, the Sprite TV 2 Collab (Which is NOT my collab, before anyone says 'You need a B.A. of 3 to Blah-Blah-Blah') is leting people join, before it dies... Again... ;)

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/74 0467/1

There is a link to the first page, but you might want to jump to page 20 or something after reading the first few pages...


There are no new flashes which are being annouced at this moment, but I am working on a few things...

Doomsday One has posted about how bored he his, go tell him that I said 'If you are bored, GO WORK ON THAT PROJECT >:('

Glassbomb, if you are reading this, please come back to the Sprite TV 2 Collab, we are getting bored...

Go watch -Elevator-...

And, thats it, I guess. See you on the BBS...


On second thought, lets hope I don't...

Remade Userpage, Sprite TV 2, ect.

Posted by Paper-Shadow - October 23rd, 2007

My Halloween movie, -Elevator-, is out in the portal, so enjoy...

Here is some facts...

1. It is based in a elevator, wow...
2. Doomsday-One offered to put a quick game on the preloader for co-authership...
3. When you watch the replay animation, look for the two tetris blocks slightly bigger then the others...
4. The light at the top left corner of the menu flashes just like the movie...
5. Doomsday-One wants to hog all the glory...

And, just for kicks, more artwork...

The Beginning...

Posted by Paper-Shadow - September 22nd, 2007

If I'm lucky, at least...

It has still got a bit of work left (Adding Logic, Beta Testing, Fixing little bits), but it's a good flash...

I would post a screenie, but because I know no one would read this, just picture a black screen...

But here is more art work...

Halloween Flash

Posted by Paper-Shadow - August 5th, 2007

Take a deep breath, and read on...

So, Diamond and Pearl have been released in england. I can't leave it alone. My Black Ds Lite is sitting right beside me while I catch some Diamond only pokemon to trade (mainly to my beta tester, who kept restarting the game so we both could have the starter pokemon, well done.)

But, when almost all your pokemon have high levels, its hard (Yippe a Murkrow!) to keep them alive (it escaped my pokeball :-( ) and its a right pain tryin to not kill it and ( Flip, I killed it...) capture them. I should really teach some1 TM54 (No1 can learn it...) and get the enemy to 1hp.

Oh well. On the plus, My Empoleon is level 61, and it knows the ultimate move... SURF!!! I would go fight the elite 4 now, but, I need elixers and my friend (with diamond) is come over tomorrow and I don't want to be in any l33t (lol) match till he goes!

So never go thought a game and hardly catch any pokemon...

Final bussiness in a nutshell: Join Sprite Tv 2 collab
Go to my forum pages
Make something and thank me in special thanks :-)

Paper-Shadow out

(lousey elixers, not being sold at shops... [I caught a gastly] )

BTW, Some art work for reading this...

Pokemon Diamond (Or how life is harsh when almost all your pokemon have high levels...)

Posted by Paper-Shadow - July 17th, 2007

Sorry for the title, I wanted to say that...

So, new layout. Nice and Shiny. With all these features, Tom is spoiling us. Or is he...?